Petroleum Engineering (Upstream & Midstream)

Oil and Gas, Production and Reservoir Engineering

Petroleum engineering is central to the safe, efficient, and sustainable development of oil and gas assets to meet global energy and resource demands.

Since its establishment in 2009, Avenue International has delivered a number of Petroleum Engineering programs, providing trainees with the knowledge and skills to tackle the oil and gas industry’s most challenging problems across the globe. The programs offer an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration and extraction of petroleum resources.

The programs encompass a wide range of applied petroleum engineering fundamentals, leading to the development of a technically well-prepared graduate with a sound knowledge of the industry – through eight taught courses and two projects. During the field development project, students work on real field data, considering the technical, economic, and environmental aspects involved. For the individual research project, students select a specialist topic, for example, related to geosciences, enhanced oil recovery, production chemistry, or advanced drilling and completions, offered both by the Institute and by the industry.

Upstream oil and gas production is conducted by companies who identify, extract, or produce raw materials. Downstream oil and gas production companies are closer to the end-user or consumer. Here’s a look at upstream and downstream oil and gas production, their individual functions, and what role they play in the broader supply chain.

Upstream oil and gas production and operations identify deposits, drill wells, and recover raw materials from underground. They are also often called exploration and production companies. This sector also includes related services such as rig operations, feasibility studies, machinery rental, and extraction of chemical supply.

Many of those employed in the upstream part of the industry include geologists, geophysicists, service rig operators, engineering firms, scientists, and seismic and drilling contractors. These people are able to locate and estimate reserves before any of the actual drilling activity starts.

Midstream oil operations link the upstream and downstream entities and mostly include resource transportation and storage services for resources, such as pipelines and gathering systems.
What Is the Difference Between Upstream and Downstream in the Oil and Gas Industry?
Upstream oil companies are involved primarily with oil discovery, extraction, and production. Downstream oil companies instead deal with refining and delivering petroleum products to consumers.

Petroleum Engineering (Upstream & Midstream) Instructor(s)

Upcoming Petroleum Engineering (Upstream & Midstream) Course(s)

Jul 10
Secondary Recovery Methods

This course covers the analysis and design of the secondary (water and gasinjection) recovery technique to recover oil.… Learn more

Aug 07
Planning & Programming Terminal Maintenance

Maintenance and reliability have to do with the maintenance of equipment to provide optimum capabilities while at the… Learn more

Petroleum Engineering (Upstream & Midstream) are Available At These Campus(es):